News — terrario RSS

How do you maintain proper humidity in a terrarium?

The terrariums or Gardens in a bowl are compositions that do not require a lot of care, and they only need to be watered once a year! The water that we pour into them when we make them serves them to live for a while. This is due to the fact that as they are closed containers, the humidity stays inside and creates a perfect environment for the plants to thrive. How do you maintain the right humidity in a terrarium? We must take into account different factors to maintain the correct humidity level inside a terrarium. Here are some elements to keep an eye on! Choice of plants: not all plants have the same humidity needs. In case you...

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Cómo realizar la poda correcta en tus plantas: consejos esenciales

La poda es una práctica fundamental para mantener nuestras plantas sanas, estimular su crecimiento y mejorar su apariencia. Sin embargo, hacerlo de manera inadecuada puede ocasionar daños irreparables. En este artículo, te guiaremos a través de los pasos esenciales para realizar una poda correcta en tus plantas.

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