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¿cómo se elige el recipiente adecuado para un terrario?

La elección del recipiente para un terrario es esencial para crear un entorno saludable y estéticamente bonito para tus plantas. ¡Aquí te presentamos una guía paso a paso para seleccionar el mejor recipiente y crear tu propio ecosistema!    Tamaño Apropiado Antes de seleccionar el recipiente, considera el espacio disponible y el tamaño de las plantas que deseas incluir. Un recipiente demasiado pequeño puede limitar el crecimiento, mientras que uno demasiado grande puede desequilibrar el ambiente del terrario.    Material del Recipiente Los materiales del recipiente afectan el ambiente interno del terrario. Nosotros utilizamos recipientes de cristal ya que permiten una visión clara del interior del jardín  y retienen la humedad. Los de plástico son menos propensos a romperse, pero...

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¿Qué cuidados especiales requieren las kokedamas en diferentes estaciones?

Las kokedamas son preciosas y pueden estar perfectas durante todas las estaciones del año si seguimos algunos tips. Y es que cada época es diferente, por lo que tu kokedama necesitará unos cuidados específicos. Aquí te contamos algunos trucos para que siempre estén en su mejor momento.   Primavera Durante la primavera, es el momento de estimular el crecimiento de la kokedama mediante un aumento gradual en el riego. La temporada de crecimiento activo exige una nutrición adicional, por lo que es ideal aplicar un fertilizante. Aprovecha la mayor exposición al sol, pero evita la luz solar directa intensa, especialmente en las horas puntas.   Verano Durante el verano, con el calor y los días más largos, es importante aumentar tu rutina...

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How do you maintain proper humidity in a terrarium?

The terrariums or Gardens in a bowl are compositions that do not require a lot of care, and they only need to be watered once a year! The water that we pour into them when we make them serves them to live for a while. This is due to the fact that as they are closed containers, the humidity stays inside and creates a perfect environment for the plants to thrive. How do you maintain the right humidity in a terrarium? We must take into account different factors to maintain the correct humidity level inside a terrarium. Here are some elements to keep an eye on! Choice of plants: not all plants have the same humidity needs. In case you...

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How much sun do kokedamas need?

A key point in caring for kokedamas is finding the right place for them. Although they are known for their ease of care compared to some other forms of presenting plants, location plays an essential role in how well they can thrive. Like all plants, it is important that kokedamas receive sun, but... what amount of light do they need? But how much light do they need, and where is it best to place them? Here we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions. Where should I place my kokedama? It is recommended to place the kokedama in a place with light but protected from direct sun. Most kokedama are houseplants, but if it is an outdoor plant,...

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Houseplants with Air-Purifying Properties: Breathe Clean Air at Home

In our quest to create a healthier and more balanced home, houseplants have become valuable allies. These natural elements not only add a touch of freshness to our indoor spaces, but also play an essential role in purifying the air we breathe, making it always clean and healthy. Some species, such as Spathiphyllum, Pothos, Sansevieria and Aloe Vera, are especially recognized for their ability to filter and neutralize common toxins, such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. These plants not only add a decorative touch, but also actively contribute to the creation of a purer, more revitalizing indoor environment.In addition to their purifying function, these plants also have other benefits. For example, they improve air humidity, which can be especially beneficial...

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