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Medicinal plants for the home

Since ancient times, people have used plants to alleviate ailments, strengthen the immune system and promote overall wellness. In this article, we will explore some popular medicinal plants that you can grow at home and how to take advantage of their benefits to improve your health naturally.Chamomile: Chamomile is known for its soothing properties and its ability to relieve digestive problems. You can easily grow it in pots or in your garden. To take advantage of its benefits, prepare an infusion with dried chamomile flowers and hot water. Peppermint: Peppermint is a refreshing and stimulating plant that can relieve nasal congestion, upset stomach and headache. You can grow mint in pots or directly in the ground. To take advantage of...

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Why do the tips of kokedama leaves dry out?

Las kokedamas, nuestras bolas de musgo favoritas, son perfectas para decorar cualquier rincón de tu hogar. Sin embargo, a veces nos encontramos con un problema: las puntas de las hojas se secan y se vuelven marrones, lo que puede ser un signo de malestar en la planta. ¡En este artículo te explicamos como solucionarlo!

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