Omotesandō Blog — rosas eternas RSS

In Catalonia we don't say the best day of the year, we say Sant Jordi, and I think that's beautiful

Este año, para celebrar nuestro día favorito del año, Sant Jordi, volvimos al centro de Barcelona y reinterpretamos, una vez más, la parada de rosas tradicional. Este año, realizando una instalación de rosas gigantes en medio de Rambla Catalunya. Presentes en el día a día de nuestro taller, las rosas de Omotesandō representaron uno de los puntos más llamativos de Rambla Catalunya.

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Gifts for Sant Jordi's Day

An Eternal Gift for an Emblematic Tradition Sant Jordi's Day is a holiday deeply rooted in Catalan culture that combines love, literature, tradition... And roses! Every April 23, the streets fill with color and romance as people exchange roses and books in honor of this iconic day. This year, why not consider giving preserved roses to celebrate this tradition in a unique and lasting way? Sant Jordi: A Festival of Love and Culture Sant Jordi's Day commemorates the legend of St. George and the dragon, a tale of knights, princesses and bravery that has endured throughout the centuries. But beyond the story, Sant Jordi is a celebration of love, literature and the beauty of Catalan culture. It is a day...

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Valentine's Day 2023

In Catalonia, Valentine's Day is Sant Jordi's Day, but in the rest of Spain it is St. Valentine's Day. So, in 2023, we took the opportunity to make ourselves known in Madrid in a pop-up made in collaboration with Good News Coffee. We transformed one of the Good News Coffee kiosks, invading it with our Eternal Roses and our intense red color, under the slogans of I can buy myself roseswhich was a reference to the song Flowers by Miley Cyrus, and I won't wait with a soggy face for you to arrive with roseswith a clear reference to the well-known song by the national group La Oreja de Van Gogh. We wanted to promote the fact that you don't...

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