Kokedamas are a unique and beautiful way to display houseplants. While many of them are designed for houseplants that need a warm environment, there are some that can withstand colder temperatures. Here are a few of them.
Kokedamas are an interesting and beautiful way to display plants in your home, garden or any space you wish to decorate with a touch of nature. However, like any plant, kokedamas have a limited lifespan and many kokedama lovers wonder how long they last before they need to be replaced.In general, the lifespan of a kokedama can vary depending on several factors. One of the most important factors influencing the lifespan of a kokedama is the type of plant used. Some plants have a longer shelf life than others, and it is important to choose a plant that is suitable for the kokedama. For example, succulents and cacti have a longer shelf life than green leafy plants. Green leafy plants...
For those who live in hot climates, keeping kokedamas in good condition can be a challenge. Fortunately, with a few tips and proper care, it is possible for our kokedamas to withstand the heat, looking spectacular even in the hottest conditions. Enter to find out more!
Las plantas de interior no solo añaden un toque de verdor a nuestros hogares, sino que también pueden alegrar nuestros espacios con sus colores y formas únicas. Entre estas maravillas de la naturaleza se encuentra la Fittonia, una planta pequeña pero llamativa. ¡Entra para ver más!
En el mundo de la jardinería y la decoración del hogar, la tendencia de las Kokedama ha ido ganando popularidad gracias a su belleza única y su conexión profunda y directa con la naturaleza. Una de las plantas que se presta perfectamente a esta técnica es la Schefflera, también conocida como árbol paraguas