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How do plants breathe in a closed terrarium?

Have you ever wondered how plants breathe in an enclosed terrarium? It's a common question many plant lovers ask themselves. And the answer is that plants breathe just like we do, taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.In a closed terrarium, the air is kept in balance by the water cycle. Plant transpiration creates a high relative humidity inside the terrarium. This humidity condenses on the walls of the container and falls back to the substrate as dew. Condensation helps maintain the humidity necessary for the plants and microorganisms inside the terrarium, and also allows for gas exchange.In addition, microorganisms in the terrarium substrate also play an important role in air quality. Microorganisms break down organic matter in the substrate...

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Discover the surprising benefits of having houseplants in your home

Las plantas de interior no solo agregan un toque de verde y frescura a tu hogar, sino que también ofrecen una serie de beneficios sorprendentes para tu salud y bienestar. Desde mejorar la calidad del aire hasta reducir el estrés, estas maravillas naturales pueden transformar tu espacio vital de varias maneras.

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