Why do the leaves of your plants turn yellow and how to avoid it?

If you are a plant lover, you have probably seen yellow leaves on your plant and wondered why this is happening. Yellow leaves are a sign that something is wrong with the health of your plant and it is important to identify the cause in order to fix it. Here are five possible causes of yellow leaves on your plant.

Underwatering or overwatering: One of the most common causes of yellow leaves is underwatering or overwatering. If you are watering too much or too little, your plant's roots can be affected and the leaves can turn yellow.

Nutrient deficiency: Another common cause of yellow leaves is nutrient deficiency. Be sure to fertilize your plants regularly with the proper nutrients to avoid this problem.

Exposure to direct sunlight: If your plant is exposed to direct sunlight for too long, the leaves can turn yellow and dry out. If this is the case, move your plant to a location where it receives indirect light

Pests and diseases: Pests and diseases can be a common cause of yellow leaves on plants.

Temperature changes: Plants are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and this can affect their health and cause leaves to turn yellow. If your plant is exposed to drafts or extreme temperatures, you may need to move it to a more protected location.

In summary, yellow leaves on your plants can be caused by a variety of factors, such as lack or excess of water, nutrient deficiency, exposure to direct sunlight, pests and diseases, and temperature changes. If you notice yellow leaves on your plant, identify the cause as soon as possible so you can take action to restore your plant's health.