Omotesandō Blog — decoración RSS

Eternal roses

Roses, with their unmistakable beauty, have for centuries been symbols of love, passion and romance. However, their ephemeral life span has always been a source of regret for many nature lovers. This is where an innovative and fascinating solution comes into play: Eternal Roses. Enter to find out more!

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How do you maintain and prune plants in a terrarium or bowl garden?

The terrariums and bowl gardens have gained popularity in recent times due to their practicality and design aesthetics. These small ecosystems can house a wide variety of plants, creating a small garden inside. However, to maintain the health and beauty of plants in these enclosed environments, it is crucial to understand how to properly maintain and prune them. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you care for your plants in terrariums and bowl gardens. Location and Light Place your terrarium or bowl garden in a location where it receives indirect light bright. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can heat the interior too much and damage the plants. If you notice that the plants are stretching towards the light, this...

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¿Cómo prevenir plagas y enfermedades en las kokedamas?

La prevención de plagas y enfermedades en las kokedamas es esencial para garantizar la salud y el bienestar de las plantas que contienen. Aquí tienes algunas estrategias efectivas para mantener estas plagas bien alejadas:   Inspección regular Realiza inspecciones visuales frecuentes de tus kokedamas. Observa de cerca las hojas, tallos y el musgo para identificar cualquier signo de insectos, manchas, decoloraciones u otros síntomas inusuales.   Aislamiento Si introduces una nueva planta en tu hogar, mantenla en cuarentena inicialmente para evitar la propagación de posibles plagas. Examina la nueva incorporación durante algunas semanas antes de unirla a tus otras plantas.     Ambiente limpio Mantén el área alrededor de tus kokedamas limpia y libre de hojas caídas, restos de plantas...

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Can kokedamas live indoors?

The Kokedamasthose lovely moss-wrapped spheres of plants, can thrive in indoor environments without a problem. In fact, we always place them indoors, as they grow and thrive even better than outdoors. In addition, they are designer plants that look great in any corner as decoration. However, they can also thrive outdoors if placed in suitable locations. Here are some tips to ensure that your kokedamas are happy and healthy inside your indoor space. Adequate light Although kokedamas thrive in natural light, it is essential to avoid direct sun exposure indoors, as this can cause both the plant and the moss to dry out. Place your kokedamas in areas with bright indirect light to ensure healthy growth. Humidity control Indoor environments...

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Father's Day Gifts

Father's Day is approaching, and finding the perfect gift can be a challenge. If you don't know what to give, our kokedamas, terrariums o roses can be a very original natural detail to give this day. These elements are not only a perfect detail, but they are also very original and beautiful to decorate any space. Kokedamas The kokedama is a Japanese art that means "moss ball". It consists of making a ball of soil and moss around the roots of a plant, instead of using a common pot. In Omotesandō, we create kokedamas with different plants, in this video we show you some of them! At our website you can also see all the available models. Terrariums or gardens...

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