The kokedama

What are kokedamas?

The word "kokedama"refers to an ancient gardening technique originating in Japan. This term is composed of two parts: "koke" and "dama". "Koke" means moss and "dama" means ball or sphere, together, "kokedama" literally translates as "moss ball".

This Japanese gardening technique is a unique way to grow plants without the need for conventional pots. Roots are wrapped in moss and held together by a wire or thread structure, forming a beautiful, compact green sphere. Inside this moss ball is placed mineral substrate and akadama, a Japanese clay that retains the water and nutrients necessary for healthy root growth. This environment provides the perfect conditions for plant development.

What is the care of a kokedama?

Just like potted plants, kokedamas require specific care so that they can thrive and develop well. If you follow these tips you can have perfect kokedamas, and they are very easy to care for.


Place the kokedama in a place that receives indirect light bright. Avoid direct sun exposure, as this can damage both the moss and the plants.

Kokedama are ideal forindoor , but can also be placed inoutdoor in shady areas.


When you notice that the moss and substrate are dry to the touch it's time to water your kokedama! Watering frequency may vary according to the seasons. In summer, because of the heat, it is advisable to increase the frequency. But... how to water a kokedama?

  • First of all dip the kokedama ball in a bowl of water, making sure to cover it completely.
  • Be patient while the kokedama is in the water. After about two minutes or when the bubbles stop, carefully remove the kokedama from the water.
  • Place the kokedama on hold until it stops dripping completely. This signals that it has absorbed the required amount of water. Once it stops dripping, place your kokedama back in the chosen location.

It is important not to let the kokedama dry out completely between waterings, but it should not remain constantly soaked either. Find a balance to maintain the proper moisture level.

Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to moss decay and root rot. Keep in mind that each type of plant will require more or less watering.


Lightly mist the moss with water regularly to keep it moist between waterings. This helps maintain a moist environment around the plant's roots.

You can also place the kokedama on a tray with pebbles or damp gravel to increase the ambient humidity.

Here is a video explaining all the kokedama care!

Kokedama can last a long time, but it is possible that over the years the moss ball dries out, sheds or loses its green color. That is why when this happens it is important to remake the moss ball. On our website we have available some DIY pack of kokedama without plant that come with all the materials to do it yourself at home.

How to change the moss on a kokedama?

Step 1: Undo the moss ball

The first step is to cut the thread of the ballfollowed by the moss layer. In this way, we can remove the moss and leave the substrate ball uncovered. Now, we can remove the substrate carefully until we can see the roots of the plant. Once we have this, it is time to make our kokedama. If we make it from scratch, the process is the same. First we must remove the plant from the pot and remove the substrate until only the roots are left.

Step 2: To make the ball of the kokedama

The next step is to prepare the substrate mixture y akadama. We must mix these ingredients and add water to get a homogeneous mixture. Remember that if the dough is too thick, you can add water. And if it is too liquid, you can add more substrate. Once we have the mixture ready, we can make the ball with our hands, surrounding and covering the roots.

Step 3: Covering the ball with moss

Before adding the mossit is important to clean it. You can leave it on the table and remove any leaves or twigs that may disturb you during the process. Now we can place the kokedama on top of the moss layer and hug it. Don't worry if you have any leftover moss, you can remove the excess.

Step 4: Surround the ball with twine

Once we have the ball of substrate surrounded by the mossit's time to secure it all with thread. Start with a double knot horizontally and cut the excess twine. Then continue wrapping the plant with diagonal passes of twine until the moss is completely covered. Be sure to cover all areas to prevent the ball from unraveling. Finish with another double knot and cut the excess yarn.

Here is a video where we explain how to make a kokedama and show it in more detail!

Our kokedamas

In Omotesando we make the kokedama technique with many varieties of plants, here are some of our favorites, in our website you can also see all the models!

Ficus Ginseng Kokedama

¡If you liked it, take a look at our collections of Indoor Plants, Kokedamas y Gardens in a Bowl to see more!