Kokedamas are a unique and beautiful way to display houseplants. They are a modern alternative to traditional pots and can be used for a variety of plants.
While many kokedamas are designed for houseplants that need a warm environment, there are some that can withstand colder temperatures. These kokedamas are ideal for those living in areas with cold winters or looking to add plants to their outdoor garden during the colder months.
Below are some of our kokedama that can withstand colder temperatures:
Mini Kokedama Spruce y Abies KokedamaSpruce is a species of conifer that can tolerate fairly cold temperatures. Most spruce varieties are able to survive temperatures as low as 10 degrees Celsius without significant damage.
Beau Kokedama:Beaucarnea recurvata, also known as the Ponytail Palm, is a succulent-type plant native to Mexico that can withstand temperatures down to about 10 degrees.
Sanse Kokedama i Sanse Mini KokedamaSansevieria, also known as Mother-in-Law's Tongue, is a succulent type plant that is very resistant to adverse weather conditions.
Maranta Kokedama: The Maranta, also known as the Peace Plant, is a herbaceous type plant that is relatively resistant to low temperatures.
So now you know, if you are interested in a kokedama that is resistant to adverse weather conditions, take a good look at these models!