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Discover the surprising benefits of having houseplants in your home

Las plantas de interior no solo agregan un toque de verde y frescura a tu hogar, sino que también ofrecen una serie de beneficios sorprendentes para tu salud y bienestar. Desde mejorar la calidad del aire hasta reducir el estrés, estas maravillas naturales pueden transformar tu espacio vital de varias maneras.

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How do you know if you are overwatering your houseplants?

Are you someone who likes to have plants in your home, but notice that your houseplants don't look as healthy as you'd like them to? While watering is an essential aspect of plant care, it's easy to make the mistake of overwatering, which can cause problems for their growth and well-being.There are several signs that you are overwatering your houseplants. If the ball of the kokedama is always wet, it is a sign that you are overwatering. Roots need air, and overwatering can prevent the roots from getting the air they need. Yellow leaves can also be a sign of overwatering, which can cause the roots to rot. If you see mold or fungus growing in the soil, it is...

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