La aparición de hongos en las plantas de interior puede estar causada por muchas razones, pero siempre suele estar relacionada con la falta de mantenimiento.
Cuando pensamos en plantas, a menudo nos enfocamos solamente en sus flores coloridas. Sin embargo, ¡muchas plantas también destacan por sus hojas llamativas y originales! En este artículo, exploraremos cinco plantas con hojas bonitas que seguramente captarán tu atención y las querrás tener en tu hogar.
Preserved roses offer an elegant, beautiful and long-lasting alternative for those who wish to enjoy the beauty of flowers for much, much, much longer. Although... How long are we talking about?
In the hectic pace of modern life, finding moments of peace and connection with nature can be difficult. However, there is a simple but effective solution to add a touch of greenery and serenity. a touch of greenery and serenity to our spaces: houseplants.. In this blog post we explain everything we know about these little natural companions.
The terrarium plants or as we call them, gardens in a bowl are natural compositions that consist of small ecosystems inside which a perfect microclimate is created for plants to develop and grow with minimal care. These compositions are like eternal gardens and they practically take care of themselves, they only need to be watered once a year! How does a plant terrarium work? Inside a closed terrarium, everything works like a small, well-synchronized ecosystem. The water that we pour into them at the time of making them already serves them to live the rest of the year. And it follows its cycle inside the bowl itself: the sun heats the surface of the glass, which evaporates the liquid water...