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Tips for increasing the humidity of your houseplants

Houseplants are a great way to add beauty and vitality to any home. However, many people don't realize that dry indoor air can be detrimental to their health. Humidity is important to keep plants healthy and happy - go inside to find out more!


Las plantas de interior no solo añaden un toque de verdor a nuestros hogares, sino que también pueden alegrar nuestros espacios con sus colores y formas únicas. Entre estas maravillas de la naturaleza se encuentra la Fittonia, una planta pequeña pero llamativa. ¡Entra para ver más!

How does an eternal terrarium work?

An eternal terrarium or garden in a bowl is a small natural ecosystem that is self-regulating and requires almost no care - it only needs to be watered once a year! So how do you water the plants in a terrarium?

What is needed to make a terrarium?

Los terrarios son microecosistemas en un bol que requieren solo un riego anual e incluyen elementos como piedra decorativa, volcánica, carbón activo, sustrato mineral, musgo, Ficus Ginseng y Fitonia para su creación. Te explicamos qué materiales necesitamos para hacer nuestros terrarios. 

What plants can be used in a terrarium?

Terrariums or as we call them, gardens in a bowl, are eternal gardens, small natural ecosystems inside which creates ...

¿Qué musgo se utiliza para elaborar un Jardín en un bol?

Cuando se trata de terrarios o jardines en un bol, el musgo desempeña un papel protagonista. ¡Entra para conocer algunos datos de esta esencial plantita!

How to promote the growth and development of your plants?

Plants, besides being aesthetic elements in our homes and gardens, play a crucial role in the ecological balance and in our quality of life. Promoting their optimal growth and development is not only rewarding, but also a good option to maintain a healthy and sustainable environment in our homes.

Mi planta tiene hojas marrones. ¿Qué hago?

Las plantas son una hermosa adición a cualquier hogar, pero requieren ciertos cuidados y, a veces, hasta por razones que se nos pueden escapar. Una clásica situación serían las hojas marrones, que pueden presentarse debido a causas diversas. ¡Entra para descubrir cómo solucionarlo!

What is the ideal place for a Garden in a Bowl?

The place where we place our bottle garden is key for it to grow healthy and adapt well to its new home.

How does a Garden in a Bowl work?

The origin of terrariums is accidental; Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward was an English doctor who, in order to analyze the hatching of chrysalises, enclosed some butterflies in glass vases with soil at the base. In a short time, the seeds and spores in the soil began to sprout spontaneously.

What is a terrarium and how does it work?

A garden in a bowl or gardens in a bottle are like small natural ecosystems in whose interior a perfect microclimate is created for plants to develop and grow with minimal care, since they practically water themselves.

What products do we sell at Omotesandō Plants?

At Omotesandō Plants we highly value craftsmanship, as making each product by hand makes it unique. We love making kokedamas and gardens in a bowl and want to share the enjoyment of doing so with the rest of the world.
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